♪ Pa-pum ♪
[Janai] Previously on The Dragon Prince…
Put the flame out.
-[Lucia grunts] -[screams]
Rex Igneous, the Archdragon of the Earth.
He may hold a clue to the prison's location.
-[Zym whimpering] -No. You stay here, Zym.
He's leading us to Umber Tor, home of the great Rex Igneous.
[metal screeches]
[rocks crumbling]
[Terbium] The entrance lies…
-[screeches] -…in the Drakewood,
deep within the Uncharted Forest.
[Rayla] Those are the riders of the Drakewood.
-[screeching] -[weapon cracking]
[Rayla] The riders are known for viciously protecting their turf
-from trespassers. -[grunts]
[Rayla] And then throwing them into a hole called the Pit of Despair.
[roaring, growling]
[theme music playing]
[music fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Drake roaring]
Okay, listen, dragon friend…
-[snarls] -[coughs] Dragon acquaintance!
I know you're angry.
-We got off on the wrong foot. -[growling]
Ah, I mean, wrong claw. Talon?
But I think we could be friends if you just get to know me.
-[growls] -[chains clatter]
-[roars] -[Soren screams]
[cuddlemonkey chitters]
[sighs, inhales]
-[cuddlemonkey chitters] -[Bait groans]
Soren? Soren!
Oh, no. Oh, no!
I messed up again!
-Soren! -[gasps, pants] What?
Rayla, are you okay?
Soren's missing. He didn't come back.
He must've gotten himself into trouble with the Drakeriders.
-Why didn't you say anything last night? -[yawns]
-[grunts] -Hmm…
I thought he could handle himself.
Um, Ezran, whatcha doing?
I think we have a visitor.
[calming music playing]
-[whimpering] -[giggling]
-[grunting] -[leaves rustling]
[Zym whimpers]
-[dog barking] -[bird twittering]
[dramatic music playing]
Sun's first, sister.
Can't you say good morning like a member of this century?
[Karim chuckles]
There is tension in the camp.
Our people were frustrated,
even before that human extinguished his soul candle.
The incident was like a spark to dry leaves.
Dry leaves burn out quickly.
[Karim sighs]
Janai, when Khessa died, we lit a candle for her.
What would you have done if someone had snuffed it out?
Hundreds of candles burned after Lux Aurea fell…
the only light in that dark night.
We have already lost so much.
So many of our brothers and sisters.
Our Queen.
Our home.
Now those who remain here they will lose their way of life, too.
You must show that you understand their pain.
The human must face justice.
[footsteps approaching]
"Am I interrupting something?"
-[electricity crackling] -[giggling]
Zym, what are you doing here?
I distinctly remember your mom telling you to stay home.
-[Zym whimpering] -[Callum grunts]
-[laughing] -[electricity crackling]
He snuck out.
Well, this is great.
Now, it doesn't matter that we have no idea how to Rex Igneous
or that we lost Soren,
because the Dragon Queen is going to kill us anyway.
-Good try, team. -[chitters]
She's right, Zym. You have to go back home.
[Zym whines]
He won't go back. He wants to help.
Wait a second, maybe he can help.
Ez, you can see through Zym's eyes, right?
-When he wants me to. -[whimpers]
Maybe he can solve both our problems at once.
If Zym flies over the forest, he can find Soren and the back entrance to Umber Tor.
What do you think, buddy? Want to be our eyes in the sky?
-[whines] -[Bait grunts]
[continues whining]
[suspenseful music playing]
"What do you mean, 'face justice?' All Lucia has done is put out a candle.
And she was the one burned."
She profaned a sacred rite.
What would the punishment be in the human kingdoms?
"For blowing out a candle?
Usually some clapping, followed by a slice of birthday cake."
You see? This is the problem.
Like all the other humans,
even your wife-to-be thinks this is a joke.
If you let this go, your people will believe you see it as a joke, too.
You know what must be done. Call a Tribunal of the Six Horns.
"A tribunal? And what happens if she's found guilty?"
The punishment is death.
"Death? Janai, you can't go through with this."
Turn a blind eye now, and the people will believe you have lost sight…
of who we are.
[melancholy music playing]
We will call a tribunal.
[inhales, exhales]
[adventurous music playing]
-[Zym whining] -[Ezran giggling]
-[grunts] -Ugh!
I did not expect to taste that.
[Ezran] Come on, Zym, look for the Earthblood Elves.
[Ezran] I guess this is their village?
But I don't see Soren anywhere.
Wait, what's that?
Get a little closer.
I see armor. Is that Soren?
-[drake growls] -[yips]
-[Ezran gasps] -[rider 1 laughs]
-[whimpers] -[snarls]
[laughing] Must be my lucky day.
-[drake screeches] -[Zym whimpering]
-[grunts] -[Ezran] Zym, fly!
-[drake screeching] -[rider 1] We got a wild one, riders!
Catch me that little blue zapper! Ha!
[drakes screeching]
[rider 1 laughing]
[drakes screeching]
-[Zym whining] -[drakes continue screeching]
[Ezran] Zym, behind you!
-[Zym yips] -[rider 1 grunts]
-[Ezran] On your right! -[yips, grunts]
-[drake screeches] -[rider 2 gasps, yells]
-That's it, you're almost here. Fly, fly! -[whining]
-[weapon swishes] -[rider 1 grunts]
-[Zym whines] -Urgh!
After him. Get down there and catch that sparky runt.
[Ezran] Oh, no! Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no!
-What happened? -They knocked Zym out of the sky.
We have to find him before they do.
[people chattering]
[fire roars]
[ominous music playing]
[chattering intensifies]
-[clangs] -[chatter stops]
[chains clatter]
"Those must be the Six Horns."
Yes, our most esteemed generals.
They will decide the fate of your human architect.
[intense music playing]
You stand accused of violating a most sacred rite.
The Tribunal of the Six Horns shall weigh pleas in your defense
and demand for your punishment.
Let the tribunal begin.
[rider 1 grunting]
Ugh! It was a stupid idea to send Zym up there.
Yeah, that was your idea!
Well, why didn't you tell me my idea was stupid?
Callum, Rayla, stop it!
Don't you remember who you are?
You're the High Mage of Katolis, the first human Primal mage in centuries.
You're the last Dragon Guard.
You're the real reason Zym is still here at all.
We can do this.
Pull yourselves together and let's save Zym before they find him.
Right. Right, let me think.
Uh, they're faster, and they have a head start.
So we have to slow them down.
Uh… Uh, hmm…
Ah, I've got it!
Stratum Caligo.
[wind blowing]
Let me down! Argh!
-Can't see! [yelps] -[drake screeches]
-[rider 1] Oh, boy! Where is he? -[drakes screeching]
-[rider 2] Where'd he go? -[rider 1] Can't see anything!
Keep it together. Find that dragon.
[drakes screeching]
Okay, Rayla, you ready to use those keen Moonshadow skills?
They are pretty keen.
I have an idea.
[intense music playing]
To burn a soul candle for the dead, the ritual of mourning.
The flame guides the spirit through the dark night of death
and into the sun's embrace at dawn.
It is said that if the candle goes out, the soul is lost.
Of course, these humans are our guests, they do not know our ways.
But ignorance is no excuse.
-The bereaved wept and pleaded… -[whimpering]
…and yet, the accused chose to desecrate his ritual nonetheless.
-[rider laughs] -[Rayla grunts]
[drake screeches]
Can't catch me!
[drake screeching]
[panting, grunting]
-[drake screeches] -[Rayla grunts]
-You missed me! -[drake screeches]
-[Rayla] Come and get me, big guy! -[rider laughing]
-Now, Ezran! -I--
-[grunts] -[groans] What in the…
Good job, Bait.
You still got it, buddy.
Amazing, everyone. [giggling]
Uh, nice job.
Uh, yeah. Yeah. You, too.
-Well done. -Zym, it's safe to come out now.
-Tell us where you are. -[Zym whimpering]
[all panting]
-[Zym continues whimpering] -[Callum] Uh…
[gasps] Get back, this is my dragon!
[ominous music playing]
[bird twittering]
[Gren] "I came here to defend Lucia.
But now, I see I cannot.
-She is not innocent." -[people gasp, murmur]
[Gren] "Prince Karim is correct,
she had every opportunity to consider the pain she could cause.
And she did not. She was callous, she was careless.
She was cruel.
And in truth…
so was I.
But all I ask is that your justice is compassionate.
Death is not the answer.
We gain nothing if we throw away the chance to learn and grow."
[fire roars]
[intense music playing]
Let the dragon go, now.
I'm supposed to catch my own dragon.
It's what you have to do to grow up and become a real Drakerider.
[Zym whimpering]
But I just can't do it.
[Zym whimpering]
You did the right thing.
Besides, you really couldn't keep this dragon anyway.
-This is Azymondias, the Dragon Prince. -[whines]
I'm sorry, your majesty. I didn't know.
-M-My name's N'than. -[grunts]
You can eat me if you want to. Uh, I'd understand.
He won't eat you. And you don't have to keep bowing.
I'd rather he tell me that, sir.
[whines, sniffs]
-[whining] -[giggles]
[people murmuring]
There's no doubt of her guilt, then.
Justice must be served.
You are an architect, are you not?
Yes. Yes, your highness.
Hold out your hands.
[Lucia whimpering]
-[sword swishes] -No. No!
[Lucia whimpering]
[sword clangs]
[bird squawking in the distance]
Gone are the days where we shed blood for justice.
If we are to rebuild, we must do so together.
In mercy. In compassion.
Your hands shall make your amends.
Under the guidance of our priests, you will build a shrine here…
…one where soul candles may burn without threat to the camp.
This is my decree.
Thank you. Thank you, Queen Janai.
It will be the greatest work of my life. [whimpers]
See that it is.
[Zym whimpering]
I'm N'than.
They always told me outsiders are dangerous, but you don't seem too bad.
What are you all doing here?
We're on a mission from the Dragon Queen to speak with Rex Igneous.
We're looking for the path to his lair.
Wow! Lots of people have died doing that.
But we are also looking for our friend. He went missing last night.
You must mean the gourd guy.
The who-what-now?
[N'than] The gourd guy!
He beat Warlon by bonking him on the head with a gourd.
Yeah, that sounds like Soren.
Well, I know where they took your friend.
That's good news!
It's also the same place where the back entrance to Rex's lair is.
That's double great news!
The Pit of Despair!
-[cuddlemonkey chitters] -[dramatic music playing]
[Janai] Karim.
I know you're angry.
I know you think I've turned my back on what we are.
But I need to show you something.
You're a student of history, yes?
Do you know where the Great Orb of the Sunforge came from?
Legends say it was a gift from the sun herself.
The gift of a millennium.
It was a gift.
But there's more to it than that.
[dramatic music playing]
The great orb began as this.
This is… a Sun Seed?
Each day, it grows with the sun's light,
until the days become years, decades, centuries.
Until one day, this seed will be as powerful
as the Great Orb of Lux Aurea.
One day, centuries from now?
The Sun gives her light,
but nurturing the seed is the work of our lifetimes.
This is how we are going to rebuild, Karim.
With patience. With faith.
You and I…
We won't live to see this new day.
No, we won't.
But the future will be bright again.
If not for you and I, then for our children,
and their children, and their children.
[N'than] The Pit of Despair
is where the Drakeriders throw people as punishment.
And also sometimes for fun.
So Soren's stuck down there all alone?
Stuck, but not alone.
They put him down there with the meanest drake in the Drakewood,
-Ugh. -[cuddlemonkey chitters]
Maybe he just needed to take off his armor?
Or Scarmaker licked it clean.
This is all my fault.
-I left him alone, I shouldn't have-- -[Callum] Rayla.
W-We can't know what happened for sure.
I mean, this is the path to Rex Igneous, right?
So maybe he couldn't climb out of the pit, so he had to keep going.
You know him. He's brave.
He's got to be down there looking for Rex.
[Rayla] He is brave.
And reckless.
That's the Path of Despair. It's even worse than the Pit.
You know, in terms of the amount of despair.
Everyone who goes down there without a guide is lost forever, or worse--
N'than! Seriously! We get it.
But I can be your guide.
I know lots of tricks and secrets. I-I can help you stay not lost.
This is what we came here to do.
Let's go find Rex Igneous. Despair or no despair.
[crickets chirping]
[Miyana] You're late.
I'm sorry. The Queen had something to show me.
And what did you see?
The truth.
Janai walks a path that leads to the end of our history.
The only choice is to finish her chapter.
[intense music playing]
[crickets chirping]
[drake growling]
-[comedic music playing] -[drake huffs]
[Soren] Hey, Callum! Ez! Rayla!
You gotta hear about the pit!
And this drake almost ate me,
but then I realized, my shiny armor was flashing, and that scared her!
So I took it off, and then I got her chains off,
and now, we're friends!
Uh, I named her Squeaky, 'cause-'cause look.
-Look, look, look. -[squeaks]
She loves it! Ha-ha!
Sh-Should I start the story again? Guys?
-[ominous music playing] -[leaves rustling]
-[growling] -Huh? [grunts]
[closing theme music playing]